Thursday, April 21, 2011

An evening with Cypress Hill - 4/20/11

Greetings friends,

Last night I got a chance to see Cypress Hill, meet the band and spend some time hanging out with Jay.  It was cool getting together with Jay on the 11th anniversary of Rain Station's "Stonedozer" release. I had won a contest for free tickets and a meet and greet with Cypress Hill.  I was pretty happy to get the chance to see them again. 
We headed out toward San Francisco. As we approached the Warfield I saw Taqueria Cancun (I didn't know they had a Market Street location) and I KNEW I had to have that for dinner.  Many years ago Cancun was the "go to" place for Jay and I when I was hanging out with him in the Mission.  Needless to say the food was tremendous and it was nice to have dinner with Jay at Cancun.  Just like old times.
I got a call from Cypress Hill's management company letting me know they were delayed leaving Denver and that the meet and greet was going to be moved back an hour which wasn't a big deal to Jay and I since it gave us more time to enjoy our dinner. What we didn't realize at the time was it also meant that the guest list wouldn't be turned in so when Jay and I arrived at the Warfield we were told we needed to wait to get in.  Jay mentioned how efficient it was for them to call us, yet not so efficient not to have emailed a guest list ahead of time.
We wanted to wait inside, but couldn't.  We wanted to stand up against the building under the overhang, but weren't allowed to.  So Jay and I hung out in the drizzle for about 45 minutes waiting to get in.
Once we got it it wasn't long before the opening act, The Literates, got started.  They played a strong set and the crowd seemed to be into them.  I kept watching the clock as I knew it would soon be time to head back stage to meet the band.

A little after 8:45 pm we headed downstairs to meet Cypress Hill.  I realized the first time I saw Cypress Hill was back on February 13th, 1992 at the IBeam in San Francisco when they opened for Beastie Boys (Fu-Schnickens and MCM & the Monster played as well).  Cypress Hill was warned repeatedly about smoking on stage and eventually the club shut 'em down. From what I can figure it was their first gig in the Bay Area.  Wikipedia says their first gig was Lollapalooza which was in July. I guess Wikipedia is wrong.  I actually met Cypress Hill at another gig they played with Double D Nose, but for some reason I can't figure out where we were or when the gig was.
When I spoke with B-Real I mentioned the IBeam show to him and he said, "Dang, that was a long time ago".  I had gone to other Cypress Hill shows since, but he was right, that was 19 years ago.  I reminded him of being shut down at the IBeam and he said, "Oh yeah".
I spoke with Sen Dog a little as well, but as I talking to the guys I was thinking about what it must be like to do this night in and night out.  As a musician who doesn't do it for a living having that problem would probably be pretty cool and Cypress Hill has had a very long career, but as I posted via a social network, "(I) just met Cypress guys...but the whole meet and greet concept is strange to me. You are trying to get ready to perform and you gotta meet some clowns who want to photograph you. Cool deal unless you get stuck doing it EVERY SINGLE NIGHT." They did more than just go through the motions and were very nice.  I guess I'd do the same...nice problem to have, really.
After Jay snapped the above pictures we headed back upstairs to watch the show.  There is no doubt in my mind why these guys have lasted so long. True professional entertainers. As EmCees, B-Real and Sen Dog flow seamlessly and keep the crowd into it. The addition of live percussion and Eric Bobo was a great move on their part.  DJ Muggs wasn't there, but the stand in DJ, Julio G held his own.  They ran through nearly every song I could want to hear and since they have so many CDs I wouldn't even know if they missed a favorite.  Such a great show!  Special thanks go out to Velvet Hammer Music and Management Group for getting me the tickets and allowing me to meet the guys.

Happy Friday everyone!

Mark Harvey

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy 11th Birthday Stonedozer

Hello friends, fans and readers,

On April 20th, 2000 Rain Station released "Stonedozer" and 11 song odyssey filled with tracks that'll get your blood pumping, warm your heart and touch your soul.  

On this 11th anniversary of Stonedozer I'd like to say that I am blessed to have Jay Moores as my friend and fellow band mate and that I hope we can continue to celebrate releases like Stonedozer for many years to come.

Tonight Jay and I are celebrating the release by heading into San Francisco to see Cypress Hill perform at the Warfield.  

If you have yet to listen to Stonedozer, tonight is the perfect time to embrace this disc.  As one reviewer said, "I have always been a big fan of Rain Station and their lo-fi recording roots but the recording of Stonedozer has elevated them to near major label sound quality"......"This is the BEST Rain Station CD to date"...Charlie Harrelson,

All my best,

Mark Harvey

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To Heaven

Greetings friends and readers of the blog I call Mark Harvey's World.

I always run the risk of reposts, but in the case of "To Heaven" I felt the need to expand on what I've written in the past. More on that in a minute. (Illustration on left: "Stairway to Heaven" by Jim Warren)
"To Heaven" comes from Rain Station's Stonedozer CD (as some or many of you may know).  I still think Stonedozer is some of the best music Jay and I have ever recorded and although I really like our new project, Underground (and DARK RIDE is a hoot), I think Stonedozer really captures everything that Rain Station is.  The disc just sounds so good to me.  It has a good mix of both Jay's and my vocals, musical influences and it really feels connected in so many ways (mentally, physically, spiritually).  That may be why I love this one so much.

"To Heaven" always wells me up when I listen to it.  This song was written with so much love and at a time when I had just become a Father for the first time.  Being a stay-at-home Dad was a real blessing, one that at times I wish I had with my other two kids (although I love my job and believe working outside the home is best for me and my family).  The involvement I had during the first few years of my daughter's life is irreplaceable.  As the nearly 12 years have past since this song was recorded "To Heaven" takes on new meaning with my nearly five year old son and one year old youngest daughter.  My wife and I were talking last night about how much we love the kids and even when things are crazy and not going well these kids we feel so blessed to have them in our lives.  They truly take me to heaven when I look into their eyes - they are my angels here on Earth.

There is a certain spiritual bend to the tune (obviously) which I don't apologize for.  I was raised to believe in God and learned to allow others their own belief system without judgement or criticism.

I wrote, produced and performed this song with backing vocal help from my sister Beth and Idia Huntley.  I need to see where Idia is these days - her voice adds such magic to the track.

"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them" - Richard L. Evans

So true...

Mark Harvey

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You're Coast To Coast, baby...

Sorry for my silence lately. I've been super busy at work and at home. I've spent WAY too much time on Facebook at home (which is where I blog) so I've sort of let my blog lapse. I'm back and so here is a FREE MP3 download of Coast to Coast (here) (link disabled)taken from Rain Station's Stonedozer CD. Music on this track is by me and lyrics and vocals by Jay Moores (back ground vocals and lyrical input provided by me). This track was recorded at the second Pumpkinland Studios location in San Leandro, CA. The track name was something I was hoping would catch on as a slang saying, "That person is so cool, they're coast to coast". Never caught on...ah well...

Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at Nobody Records.Be sure and support independent music and purchasing CDs from us!

Mark Harvey

Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song.
(link disabled)

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Monday, February 23, 2009


Here is a FREE MP3 download of Stonedozer (here) (link disabled)the title track from Rain Station's Stonedozer CD. Music on this track is by me and lyrics by Jay Moores. The vocals are by me and Jay Moores. This track was recorded at the second Pumpkinland Studios location in San Leandro, CA.
This title track is about the legalization of marijuana. Funny how this song has some relevance right now. Whether or not you fall into the pro or con category regarding legalization this track is pretty fun. I don't partake, but have always wondered about why some drugs are legal while others are not. I am one that believes in Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. (here)
Here is a review of Stonedozer. "I have always been a big fan of Rain Station and their lo-fi recording roots but the recording of Stonedozer has elevated them to near major label sound quality"......"This is the BEST Rain Station CD to date"...Charlie Harrelson, review
Enjoy the FREE track and drop me a comment.
Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at Nobody Records.-
Be sure and support independent music and purchasing CDs from us!

Mark Harvey
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song
(link disabled)

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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Rise - a free MP3

Here is a FREE MP3 download of Rise (here) (link disabled)taken from Rain Station's Stonedozer CD. Music on this track is by me and lyrics and vocals by Jay Moores (back ground vocals provided by me). This track was recorded at the second Pumpkinland Studios location in San Leandro, CA.

Here is a review of Stonedozer. "I have always been a big fan of Rain Station and their lo-fi recording roots but the recording of Stonedozer has elevated them to near major label sound quality"......"This is the BEST Rain Station CD to date"...
Charlie Harrelson, review
Enjoy the FREE track and drop me a comment.
Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at Nobody Records.
Be sure and support independent music and purchasing CDs from us!

Mark Harvey
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song. (link disabled)

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy Gnu Ears (as Jay would say) and a FREE MP3

Happy Gnu New Year that is. And yes...that is a photo of Gary Gnu from The Great Space Coaster (here). Hopefully you had an incredible New Year's was sick so I stayed home and relaxed with my family. Now I'm thinking about all of the things I want 2009 to bring me. I thought I would start the year with a FREE MP3 for ya from Rain Station. Hoping this gets the creative juices flowing and the hankerin' to record and work on the next disc.

Here is a FREE MP3 download of Sliding Away (here) (link disabled)taken from Rain Station's Stonedozer CD. Music on this track is by me and lyrics and vocals by Jay Moores. Pump up the bass at the end of the track. Loop it! MORE COWBELL! There's also the sound of some windchimes in the background as well. This track was recorded at the second Pumpkinland Studios location in San Leandro, CA. Here is a review of Stonedozer. "I have always been a big fan of Rain Station and their lo-fi recording roots but the recording of Stonedozer has elevated them to near major label sound quality"......"This is the BEST Rain Station CD to date"...
Charlie Harrelson, review
Enjoy the FREE track and drop me a comment. Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at Nobody Records.
Be sure and support independent music and purchasing CDs from us!


Mark Harvey (a.k.a. mopehead - not afraid to ROCK the FRO!)
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song.
(link disabled)

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OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Thank you for visiting - Mark Harvey