Rise - a free MP3

Here is a review of Stonedozer. "I have always been a big fan of Rain Station and their lo-fi recording roots but the recording of Stonedozer has elevated them to near major label sound quality"......"This is the BEST Rain Station CD to date"...
Charlie Harrelson, EvO:R.com review
Enjoy the FREE track and drop me a comment.
Charlie Harrelson, EvO:R.com review
Enjoy the FREE track and drop me a comment.
Be sure and support independent music and purchasing CDs from us!
Mark Harvey
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song. (link disabled)
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song. (link disabled)
Labels: free mp3, jay moores, lo-fi, mark harvey, pumpkinland studios, rain station, stonedozer
Mark, I'm sending out prayers to you and your eyes. 20/20 here we come!
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