Sunday, October 13, 2024

Twenty Four Years of DARK RIDE.! (October 13th, 2024)

Greetings and salutations,

TWENTY FOUR years ago Jay and I released Rain Station's DARK RIDE and after all these years I'm still as excited about this CD as I was when it was released.  Let's rewind the's the back story (for those who don't know).
Back in the Fall of 2000 (Due to my online presence on Halloween Radio) I was invited to The Universal Studios Hollywood Eyegore Awards. The Universal Studios Hollywood Eyegore Awards are presented for achievement in the horror and sci-fi genre. So, on Friday, October 13th Jay and I trekked down to LA to be there, interview some folks and get some station IDs for as well as interview some of the winners for an article that I wrote.  For some reason I still can't seem to find the article, but I'll keep digging so I can post it here.

The winners that night were:
* Joss Whedon
* Casts of Buffy and Angel
* Karen Black
* Gloria Stewart
* "The Undertaker"

I knew I was going to be meeting some people that night (Rob Zombie, Karen Black, Alyson Hannigan, Bill Moseley, Joss Whedon and more) and I figured it would be cool to record a Halloween CD to hand out to the folks we meet - you know, see if we can land that big record deal or get our music placed in a horror film, on TV...something. Rob Zombie had recently launched his Zombie A-Go-Go Record label (now inactive) and since I've always been a fan of HALLOWEEN and rockabilly (gothabilly) I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to push out another CD in 2000 (we had released "Stonedozer" earlier that year). So Jay and I put this together quick style and did what we set out to do. Funny how I remember working at the Gelb Music consignment shop and writing lyrics.  I had rough mixes on cassette and an old tape player. In between customers and phone calls I'd try and pen lyrics.  I remember being a bit frantic since I knew we had a deadline and I agreed to work extra shifts to cover a vacation. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when I record - or at least I try to be - and in this case DARK RIDE just wasn't going to get the time I would normally put into a CD.  Amazing enough the disc turned out despite lack of time. Once we got back to the Bay Area from the "gig" we decided that the CD was pretty good so we mastered the disc with George Horn (Chief Mastering Engineer) at Fantasy Records in Berkeley, CA.
It still amazes me that we recorded this entire CD in probably two or three weeks. The disc got some great reviews as well...and although I know I've blogged this far too many times, here goes again (the reviews):

Underground DJ from Haunted Attraction Magazine

Now it is time to run away and join the carnival. "Step right up and see the amazing, the unbelievable, the available for your attraction CD, DARK RIDE by Rain Station." A journey through a veritable midway of new music written for old pretzel rides. The use of sound effects is limited only to those that help create the feel of the piece. The styles of music range widely from Heavy Metal beats through old time Rock and Roll to the almost cutesy Trick Or Treatin'. This nostalgically fun selection, took me back to my early days as a young zombie, heading out on Halloween with the lust for candy in my heart. The CD would be great for line entertainment or a party, with a little bit for every taste and some of the beats are infectious.

Larry McKenzie

DARK RIDE by Rain Station is one of the most unique Halloween music CDs I have ever heard. DARK RIDE has 13 music tracks. Each track is a good mixture for Halloween. A bit mysterious and dark, yet very fun. The DARK RIDE CD would be great for an adult Halloween party. If you are a Halloween enthusiast and are looking for more Halloween music for your collection, you should visit and listen to the MP3 samples from the DARK RIDE CD. I am happy to have this CD as part of my Halloween music collection. I sincerely recommend visiting Nobody Records and listen to a track or two.

Underground Entertainment

(This) offering is more of a Halloween party CD, especially suited to be played in queue lines or on the midways of Scream Parks. It contains thirteen tracks of rock/alternative style music with Halloween themes. You'll find titles such as "Monster Hunter", "Haunted Man", "Black Lagoon", "Trick or Treatin'", and "Broom Hopping". This one is fun and is a CD that should be added to the collection of anyone interested in assembling a music anthology of Halloween related material.

Chaotic Order

Curious mix of Porno for Pyros and White Collar Crime with a penchant for Halloween. Best use would be on the soundtrack for the upcoming Scooby Doo movie.

Happy Halloween Magazine

Looking for a Halloween CD with an edge, this is the one to get. Available from Nobody Records, Rain Station's Dark Ride packs a gritty, heavy metal sound that conjures an auditory image of purgatory. While this is not normally the type of music I listen to, for works! The raspy vocals lend a dark, almost visceral feel to the accompanying music. Contains 13, new, original hits...

Jay made some "videos" for some of the tracks on DARK RIDE. Check all of them out here.
DARK RIDE is one of my all time favorite projects. Perhaps it is because we didn't over analyze it, we had a timeline and had to bang it out. Perhaps it was because we got to be completely goofy. Rain Station music can sometimes be awfully serious and this disc is nothing but pure fun. Perhaps it was the thrill of getting to give copies of our CD to folks like Rob Zombie and Karen Black. Perhaps it was the Halloween theme.
The road trip to Universal Studios with Jay is a very fond memory for me. It felt like we were on tour.


Happy Haunting,

Mark Harvey

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rain Station - DARK RIDE videos


Have you had a chance to check out these videos yet? If not, here they are again... videos Jay made for our Rain Station DARK RIDE CD.

JackOLantern.ORG Animation from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
Please enjoy the fun Halloweenie cartoons and please, purchase the CD if you haven't already.  It is available for download on iTunes (here), at Bandcamp (here) and for a physical copy of the CD pick it up at Halloween Radio (here).

Halloween is nearly upon US!

Mark Harvey

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rain Station - DARK RIDE videos


Earlier this month I talked about Rain Station's DARK RIDE CD.  Have you had a chance to check out the videos yet? If not, here are some videos Jay made for our Rain Station DARK RIDE CD.

JackOLantern.ORG Animation from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
Please enjoy the fun Halloweenie cartoons and please, purchase the CD if you haven't already.  It is available for download on iTunes (here), at Bandcamp (here) and for a physical copy of the CD pick it up at Halloween Radio (here).

Halloween Approaches!

Mark Harvey

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Rain Station - DARK RIDE

Greetings ghouls,

Pictured below are Sculpey one of a kind figures made to represent the animated characters from JackOLantern.ORG which is music from Rain Station's DARK RIDE and Flash Animation by J.E.Moores. Jay's favorite animations are Candy and Monster Hunter. Which are your favorites?
Characters from JackOLantern.ORG
If you haven't already seen the videos, you really ought to. They're a hoot.

JackOLantern.ORG Animation from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
And if you haven't already heard the CD, you really ought it...great SEASONAL fare!

Check it out!

Mark Harvey

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Rain Station - DARK RIDE videos


Here are some videos Jay made for our Rain Station DARK RIDE CD.

JackOLantern.ORG Animation from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
Enjoy and please, purchase the CD if you haven't already.  It is available for download on iTunes (here), at Bandcamp (here) and for a physical copy of the CD pick it up at Halloween Radio (here).

Happy Haunting!

Mark Harvey

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Monday, September 19, 2011

CDs back on eBay

Good evening one and all,

As we race toward the month of October I thought it would be a good idea to get some of my CDs back up on eBay.  I typically do well this time of year selling my Halloween CDs and eBay is where it all started for me back in 1999.

If you don't already have your copy of Pumpkinland, Rain Station's DARK RIDE or Fleshrot: Songs from the Dead please be sure to pick 'em up. As always you can listen to the CDs before you buy them.

Pumpkinland - LISTEN - Purchase on eBay
Rain Station's DARK RIDE - LISTEN - Purchase on eBay
Fleshrot: Songs from the Dead - LISTEN - Purchase on eBay

Happy Haunting!

Mark Harvey

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice (and Summer Home)

Greetings and happy Summer Solstice!

This is just a quick near re-post - a couple tracks - and then I'm out.

As the story goes..."Summer Home" is one of those rare tracks that has been recorded twice (I think three times actually). It is one of my favorite Rain Station tracks. In the summer of 1992, Hoagie Malone (Jay Moores) began coaxing musicians for his recording project "Equator". These sessions produced 33 tracks. Originally released as "Khaki Circus" by Equator, Hoagie felt that the recordings between he and mopehead (Mark Harvey) were going particularly well, so when mixing time came, the 33 tracks became two separate releases. Rain Station was born with the release "Criminal Goat" and Hoagie released the rest as "Equator". "Summer Home" was one of the tracks on "Criminal Goat". Jay recorded drum tracks in his large Mission Street house. I'd come over and record guitar tracks to his tracks and then he'd flesh out the rest. On the original "Criminal Goat" version of "Summer Home" the bass track was played by Jay's buddy Dave Mintim.

Here's the "Criminal Goat" version of "Summer Home"...

A year or so later I moved out to the Sunset (from the Peninsula) and after a few roommates came and left I convinced Jay to move out of the Mission and out towards the ocean. The place we lived in was fairly large and allowed for setting up and playing (as a band).
Tony Iuppa (my buddy who played bass in The Screaming Paisleys) joined us as did a friend from work, Brian Peet (on drums). Rain Station (the band) was formed and we recorded a three song demo to shop around for gigs. Jay and I also named our home in the Sunset The Rain Station.
"Summer Home" was one of the tracks we recorded for our three song demo - this time on my 4-track. "Summer Home" was added to "Fancy Fancy" as were the other two songs we recorded - "Widdershins" and "Quiet Morning".
Here's the "Fancy Fancy" version of "Summer Home"...

Jay and I have yet to record a version of "Summer Home" on something better than a 4-track. I'm sure someday we will as we both love the tune.

Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at Nobody Records.
Be sure and support independent music and purchasing CDs from us!
Mark Harvey

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No Place Else (NorCal, baby)

Well gosh...

I noticed my last post was back in late May so I thought I should celebrate.  Celebrate you say?  Well, yes.  I've been travelling a lot lately and haven't had any time to blog. I am celebrating being back at home (even if it is only for a short time). I am celebrating being back in the BAY AREA.  I am extremely NorCal centric and not apologetic about it at all.  I was born and raised here.  No matter where I travel it always feels good to get off a plane in Oakland or San Francisco knowing I'm HOME.  The cool foggy air is the perfect greeting.
I was recently in Nashville, TN and Huntsville, AL.  I've found that when I travel to places that have weather (tornadoes mostly) the folks there talk about the fact that they'd rather have tornadoes versus earthquakes.  What blows my mind is the fact that we RARELY have earthquakes.  Tornadoes occur EVERY YEAR as do hurricanes and other types of severe weather.  I guess since I've lived through a few I don't fear them.  I guess the randomness of earthquakes is what scares people.  There's notice of most other types of weather. This photo was taken on the way to Huntsville.  This whole place was thrashed.  Really sad.
One of the nice things about travelling is trying new things and getting to have those things that you can't get 'round home.  One of the staples for me (when they're available) is Cracker Barrel.  The closest one to where I live is in Arizona.  Whenever I travel I check to see if there's a Cracker Barrel nearby.  A few years ago while travelling with a co-worker who is located in Tennessee I made him visit Cracker Barrel way too many times (for his taste). He would exclaim to other co-workers, "That Mark Harvey loves himself some Cracker Barrel" (said in a Southern accent).  Well, yes, I do love me some Cracker Barrel. I think we ate at one about three times during the week I spent working with him. He sent me a $10 gift card after the trip.  I held onto that gift card and a couple of years after receiving it I finally got to use it.
My favorite meal at Cracker Barrel is the grilled chicken tenderloin with their hashbrown casserole, country green beans, salad and corn bread.  OH MY GOODNESS.  I figure if I lived any closer to a Cracker Barrel I'd end up HUGE.  One a family vacation in Utah I made my family drive about an hour to a Cracker Barrel for not one, but I believe three meals.

OK, well, moving's tune is "No Place Else" taken from Rain Station's Stonedozer CD.  This is a NorCal centric tune for sure.  I'll post some others I written about loving where I live!

Enjoy the is good to be back!

Mark Harvey

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Monday, May 23, 2011

I Can't Fly

Good evening,

As I prepare to head back home from my business trip I was thinking about this song.  I can't physically fly, but I can climb into an airplane and let them fly me home.  I guess I am getting a little technical - that's what happens when given free time in a hotel room.

Weather willing I WILL fly and be home once again. Wish me success!

Mark Harvey

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain Station's "Sound of Life"

Good evening,

A couple of guys, a couple of guitars, a couple of mics and a few good songs.  Rain Station's "The Living Room Sessions" was recorded years ago in our SF Sunset district home yet every time I hear the CD I get transported back to that living room, sitting there with Jay and reliving that part of my life.

Knock on the door, come on in, hop on the couch and join us.  We're so glad that you're here.

Thanks for listening,

Mark Harvey

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Check out music from Rain Station

Well folks,

It has been SOME time comin' and I mentioned it...yet no one said anything, so...without further adieu...

The new RAIN STATION iTunes APP is here!!!
This application is FREE so...if you have an iPhone GO GIT IT!


Mark Harvey
iPhone user and proud owner of a Rain Station iPhone app (sweet!)

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rain Station's "Empty Home"

Good evening,

Some time has passed since I last blogged so I thought I should break radio silence with a track from Rain Station's "Fancy Fancy" CD - "Empty Home".

This track was recorded at our 45th & Lawton beach home - many years ago.  It has always been a favorite of mine - Jay and I singing - a dreamy kind of track.

Well, that's all I have for you tonight - just a little check in for ya...

Mark Harvey

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

An evening with Cypress Hill - 4/20/11

Greetings friends,

Last night I got a chance to see Cypress Hill, meet the band and spend some time hanging out with Jay.  It was cool getting together with Jay on the 11th anniversary of Rain Station's "Stonedozer" release. I had won a contest for free tickets and a meet and greet with Cypress Hill.  I was pretty happy to get the chance to see them again. 
We headed out toward San Francisco. As we approached the Warfield I saw Taqueria Cancun (I didn't know they had a Market Street location) and I KNEW I had to have that for dinner.  Many years ago Cancun was the "go to" place for Jay and I when I was hanging out with him in the Mission.  Needless to say the food was tremendous and it was nice to have dinner with Jay at Cancun.  Just like old times.
I got a call from Cypress Hill's management company letting me know they were delayed leaving Denver and that the meet and greet was going to be moved back an hour which wasn't a big deal to Jay and I since it gave us more time to enjoy our dinner. What we didn't realize at the time was it also meant that the guest list wouldn't be turned in so when Jay and I arrived at the Warfield we were told we needed to wait to get in.  Jay mentioned how efficient it was for them to call us, yet not so efficient not to have emailed a guest list ahead of time.
We wanted to wait inside, but couldn't.  We wanted to stand up against the building under the overhang, but weren't allowed to.  So Jay and I hung out in the drizzle for about 45 minutes waiting to get in.
Once we got it it wasn't long before the opening act, The Literates, got started.  They played a strong set and the crowd seemed to be into them.  I kept watching the clock as I knew it would soon be time to head back stage to meet the band.

A little after 8:45 pm we headed downstairs to meet Cypress Hill.  I realized the first time I saw Cypress Hill was back on February 13th, 1992 at the IBeam in San Francisco when they opened for Beastie Boys (Fu-Schnickens and MCM & the Monster played as well).  Cypress Hill was warned repeatedly about smoking on stage and eventually the club shut 'em down. From what I can figure it was their first gig in the Bay Area.  Wikipedia says their first gig was Lollapalooza which was in July. I guess Wikipedia is wrong.  I actually met Cypress Hill at another gig they played with Double D Nose, but for some reason I can't figure out where we were or when the gig was.
When I spoke with B-Real I mentioned the IBeam show to him and he said, "Dang, that was a long time ago".  I had gone to other Cypress Hill shows since, but he was right, that was 19 years ago.  I reminded him of being shut down at the IBeam and he said, "Oh yeah".
I spoke with Sen Dog a little as well, but as I talking to the guys I was thinking about what it must be like to do this night in and night out.  As a musician who doesn't do it for a living having that problem would probably be pretty cool and Cypress Hill has had a very long career, but as I posted via a social network, "(I) just met Cypress guys...but the whole meet and greet concept is strange to me. You are trying to get ready to perform and you gotta meet some clowns who want to photograph you. Cool deal unless you get stuck doing it EVERY SINGLE NIGHT." They did more than just go through the motions and were very nice.  I guess I'd do the same...nice problem to have, really.
After Jay snapped the above pictures we headed back upstairs to watch the show.  There is no doubt in my mind why these guys have lasted so long. True professional entertainers. As EmCees, B-Real and Sen Dog flow seamlessly and keep the crowd into it. The addition of live percussion and Eric Bobo was a great move on their part.  DJ Muggs wasn't there, but the stand in DJ, Julio G held his own.  They ran through nearly every song I could want to hear and since they have so many CDs I wouldn't even know if they missed a favorite.  Such a great show!  Special thanks go out to Velvet Hammer Music and Management Group for getting me the tickets and allowing me to meet the guys.

Happy Friday everyone!

Mark Harvey

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy 11th Birthday Stonedozer

Hello friends, fans and readers,

On April 20th, 2000 Rain Station released "Stonedozer" and 11 song odyssey filled with tracks that'll get your blood pumping, warm your heart and touch your soul.  

On this 11th anniversary of Stonedozer I'd like to say that I am blessed to have Jay Moores as my friend and fellow band mate and that I hope we can continue to celebrate releases like Stonedozer for many years to come.

Tonight Jay and I are celebrating the release by heading into San Francisco to see Cypress Hill perform at the Warfield.  

If you have yet to listen to Stonedozer, tonight is the perfect time to embrace this disc.  As one reviewer said, "I have always been a big fan of Rain Station and their lo-fi recording roots but the recording of Stonedozer has elevated them to near major label sound quality"......"This is the BEST Rain Station CD to date"...Charlie Harrelson,

All my best,

Mark Harvey

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Just how many?

Good evening,

I was recently asked how many CD do I have out.  My answer was that I'd blog about it since I need to sit back and count the releases.  I've not thought about it and the question got me thinking.  It is amazing to think about releasing music.  There are a bunch of steps to it and because I've been doing it for so long I don't focus on numbers, just that I enjoy doing it. we go... (click an album title or the play button...have a listen...)

The Screaming Paisleys "EXIT"

mopehead "Cheer Up My Camp"

mopehead "Ballads for Bogun"

mopehead "Songs for Spim"

mopehead "SS-MOPEHEAD"

mopehead "instrumental mopehead"

mopehead "It's Always Good"

mopehead "Big Top Blues"

mopehead "unreleased mopehead"

mopehead "instrumental mopehead volume two"

Rain Station "Criminal Goat"

Rain Station "Fancy Fancy"

Rain Station "The Living Room Sessions"

Rain Station "Stonedozer"

Rain Station "DARK RIDE"

Rain Station "Unreleased Rain Station"

Rain Station "Underground"

Beth Eyre and Month of Sundays "Nobody Records Presents:"

MITCH "Outlaws"

MITCH "Unreleased"

Mark Harvey "Pumpkinland"

Mark Harvey "Pumpkinland II"

Mark Harvey "Pumpkinland III"

Mark Harvey "Unreleased"

Mark Harvey "Fleshrot: Songs from the Dead"

There are a few more releases not listed (not on Bandcamp). In total there are about 27 releases.

There you have it!

Have a great evening,

Mark Harvey

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OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Thank you for visiting - Mark Harvey