Saturday, October 12, 2024

Free Halloween music sounds good about now, right? (October 12th, 2024)

Greetings and salutations,

I feel the need to offer up some treats for those of you who read this blog. Here is a FREE download of one of my tracks. The FREE MP3 download today is "Every Day, Every Year" (click here to download), taken from the Nobody Records Pumpkinland Halloween Sampler (also found on mopehead's "Big Top Blues" CD here). Enjoy the FREE track and please drop me a comment. Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at and can be downloaded here, here, here and here.
Be sure and support Halloween Radio by purchasing CDs from us!

Happy Haunting,

Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis

Good evening,

This song has nothing to do with Diff'rent Strokes except for the fact that I called the song "Willis". Still, don't you just love the young Gary Coleman? I prefer to think of the entire Diff'rent Strokes cast as they, let's get back to music. Taken from instrumental mopehead volume two this track is extremely long and written during a phase I was going through - which was nearly all instrumental. I lost the desire to write lyrics and thought that if I wrote an instrumental maybe it would prompt me to write words, but in the case with the tracks on instrumental mopehead volume two, that didn't happen (although a couple tracks do have lyrics - vocals just haven't been recorded). Have a listen if you want to dedicate 8 minutes and 22 seconds to this groovy track.

Thank you for listening (for those that did) and let me know what you think.
Have a great night,

Mark Harvey

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

This Boy's Life

Good Saturday morning!

I'm up bright and early to greet the day.  Today's track-du-jour is "This Boy's Life" from the somewhat newly compiled "Cheer Up My Camp" mopehead album.  It is interesting listening to this song as I can bring myself emotionally back to the point where I wrote this song.  This song (like many) was written about a girl.  This song isn't all that mopey although it may sound that way. Have a listen...let me know what you think.

I believe it is important to live life with passion.  Going through life and just going through the motions..."I'm supposed to do this, and then I'm supposed to do that..." just isn't my style.  I feel fortunate today that I have many passions in my life - my wife, my kids, my job, my hobbies...

What are you passionate about?

Mark Harvey

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day (better suited for heaven)

Good morning!

Just a quick post to wish all the real Fathers out there a Happy Father's Day.  I had a REAL Dad.  He was loving, hard working, fun, intelligent and and all around fantastic guy.  My parents really wanted a son so they adopted me, but never did I feel adopted.  I was loved, cared for and helped to become the best person I could become.

I love my kids dearly.  They are my life. I am thankful for the example of my Father.  I think of him every day and I wish he could have known all of my kids.  He would have loved them so much. He passed away on October 31st, 2005.

About Father's Day...taken from FathersDayBirthplace...

"Father’s Day will be 100 years old on June 20, 2010, and a Spokane, Washington, woman is credited with being the founder of the annual celebration. Sonora Smart Dodd, often referred to as the “Mother of Father’s Day,” was 16 years old when her mother died in 1898, leaving her father William Jackson Smart to raise Sonora and her five younger brothers on a remote farm in Eastern Washington.  In 1909 when Sonora heard a Mother’s Day sermon at Central United Methodist Church in Spokane, she was inspired to propose that Father’s receive equal recognition.
The following year with the assistance of Reverend Dr. Conrad Bluhm, her pastor at Old Centenary
Presbyterian Church (now Knox Presbyterian Church), Sonora took the idea to the Spokane YMCA. The
Spokane YMCA, along with the Ministerial Alliance, endorsed Dodd’s idea and helped it spread by celebrating the first Father’s Day in 1910. Sonora suggested her father’s birthday, June 5th, be established as the day to honor all Father’s. However, the pastors wanted more time to prepare, so June 19, 1910 was designated as the first Father’s Day and sermons honoring Father’s were presented throughout the city.
It was years, however, before Father’s Day gained national prominence. In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge
recognized Father’s Day and urged the states to do likewise. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a
proclamation calling for the third Sunday in June to be recognized as Father’s Day and requested that flags
to be flown that day on all government buildings.  President Richard M. Nixon signed a proclamation in 1972,
permanently observing Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. Sonora’s pivotal role in the creation of a national Father’s Day celebration was recognized in 1943 at a luncheon in her honor in New York City at the Billion Dollar Bond Drive, at a celebration by the National Council for the Promotion of Father’s Day at the 1940 New York World’s Fair and at the 1974 World’s Fair Expo in Spokane. A plaque dedicated in 1948 honoring Sonora Dodd’s efforts rests on a granite boulder outside the Central Spokane YMCA commemorating the YMCA’s role in the first celebration of Father’s Day. Today Father’s Day is celebrated from Antigua to Zimbabwe in over 50 countries around the world."

Today I'm posting a song - "better suited for heaven" from instrumental mopehead.  This song makes me think about my Dad.

Again, Happy Father's Day!

Mark Harvey
a proud Dad of three

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Flying East (a song about wanting to leave the Bay Area)

Hey there everyone! WOO HOO...(alright, calm down, Mark)...

Well, now that I've gotten that out of my system I'm going to post a song (imagine that) about leaving the Bay Area to go on a trip. The song was recorded on my 8-track while doing my solo thing as mopehead. The track was recorded at the original Pumpkinland Studios in Oakland. I was working for the good guys! as the Service Manager dealing with all sorts of crazy people drama and while I was driving home I just thought..."hey...what if I just drifted off and...". So I knew I needed to take a break and get my head straight. My buddy Jay had moved to New York and was living in a surreal mansion (the photo was taken from the rooftop of the mansion) on Staten Island. I thought it was time to visit him, see his cat Spim, check out the mansion and chill like we do.
During that trip we video taped the now infamous (and famous) edited version of The SOB Puppet Hour.  If you haven't seen it (and you don't FEAR it) c'mon over and FREAK OUT with us...

The video is a hoot - check it out.

SOB Puppet Hour from JEMoores on Vimeo.
So it isn't always wine, cheese and roses (or beer) in Northern California, but as I've said in the past two posts I ALWAYS love coming back.

As many of you know Jay and his family have since moved back to the Bay Area and even though I don't get to see him as often as I'd like (every day would be nice) it is nice to know he's here in the place I love and call home.  
I need to go see him...STAT.
Have a great weekend everyone...there's a lot of love....a lot of love...

Mark Harvey

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

It Feels Like I'm Home (and I am)

Well heck...I must be home.  Based on the fact that I'm back to blogging again I must have at least a few minutes to spare (well, not really, but I do like to write) or maybe it is just that I'm back in the Bay.  This is the second song in my NorCal centric posting spree (and I'm not sure I'll find another...but I'll check).
This song is about the commute I had years ago from San Francisco to Oakland.  I was the night manager at the good guys! Van Ness store and would make this trek each night in my 1978 Volkswagon Bus. Typically I'd light up a stick of Nag Champa incense and zone out to some music.  Something about the night air mixing with the incense, the drive across the Bay Bridge and the lack of traffic at that time of night (usually around 1:30 am) was soothing.

Anyhow, taken from mopehead's "It's Always Good" CD - this is "It Feels Like I'm Home".

Hope you enjoy the track and if you're not a native Northern Californian you should come for a visit and check the area out.  I think you'd like it.

Mark Harvey

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brar's Song

Hello friends,

I've posted this song before, but not the Bandcamp - play it at will version.  Tonight's track is mopehead's "Brar's Song". Back in my college days my buddy Tony Iuppa lived in Berkeley (he went to CAL). I spent a decent amount of time over at his place hanging out with Tony...being vague. It was through Tony that I met Jay (they were roommates). Anyhow, late into the evening we would often want a snack or a soda and we would head off to the Exxon on University to grab something (candy, chips, a Thirst Tamer). The night clerk was a man named Brar. Brar seemed like an interesting fellow and he became a part of our night time ritual. I named my Lava Lamp after him. I wrote this song about him. "I also wrote Brar's Day Off" in his honor. Often times we would become fixated with strange things...I guess nothing has changed, really...

Enjoy the track - get vague with me!

Mark Harvey

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

You Can Count On Me

Hello friends,

Here's another old track from "Cheer Up My Camp" called "You Can Count On Me".  This song was written (about what else) a girl.  This girlfriend this song is about went away on a long trip and I was worried that the influence of the friends she was travelling with would hurt our relationship.  I've never been good with separation which might have to do with the fact that I am adopted (who knows).  I don't do well when away from those I love.  My mind tends to go the the dark places - betrayal, loss, I guess my imagination is just too active.

This song brings back those memories of being left - even for a time.  The worry I had that she'd not come back.  The worry that she was seeing that life without me was better than with me.  Insecurities galore.  She did end up leaving me (as they all do) and many of my mopehead tunes are about her.

OK, now that the wound is reopened I'll close this bleed in alone.

Mark Harvey

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Just how many?

Good evening,

I was recently asked how many CD do I have out.  My answer was that I'd blog about it since I need to sit back and count the releases.  I've not thought about it and the question got me thinking.  It is amazing to think about releasing music.  There are a bunch of steps to it and because I've been doing it for so long I don't focus on numbers, just that I enjoy doing it. we go... (click an album title or the play button...have a listen...)

The Screaming Paisleys "EXIT"

mopehead "Cheer Up My Camp"

mopehead "Ballads for Bogun"

mopehead "Songs for Spim"

mopehead "SS-MOPEHEAD"

mopehead "instrumental mopehead"

mopehead "It's Always Good"

mopehead "Big Top Blues"

mopehead "unreleased mopehead"

mopehead "instrumental mopehead volume two"

Rain Station "Criminal Goat"

Rain Station "Fancy Fancy"

Rain Station "The Living Room Sessions"

Rain Station "Stonedozer"

Rain Station "DARK RIDE"

Rain Station "Unreleased Rain Station"

Rain Station "Underground"

Beth Eyre and Month of Sundays "Nobody Records Presents:"

MITCH "Outlaws"

MITCH "Unreleased"

Mark Harvey "Pumpkinland"

Mark Harvey "Pumpkinland II"

Mark Harvey "Pumpkinland III"

Mark Harvey "Unreleased"

Mark Harvey "Fleshrot: Songs from the Dead"

There are a few more releases not listed (not on Bandcamp). In total there are about 27 releases.

There you have it!

Have a great evening,

Mark Harvey

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Thank you for visiting - Mark Harvey