Wednesday, October 21, 2009

DC Cemetery

Holy heck! We're ten days out now! And with ten days to go I am veering off from music to talk a little bit about my friend, Brent Ross, who runs the DC Cemetery in Mountain View, CA. In "his" words..."The DC Cemetery is a "home haunt" that resides in the heart of the Old Mountain View neighborhood that is designed with the residents of Mountain View and its surrounding communities in mind. Over the years we've concocted a haunt that is fun and bone chilling for all age groups. We also like to think that our efforts aid in the progression of Halloween, and hopefully our actions will spread onto others, so they too can provide a safe element for all kids (and adults) to enjoy.
The DC Cemetery has recently become one of the most elaborate and complex haunted house displays in America, gaining consistent media attention and in 2007 nationwide exposure. The haunt is so elaborate that they were the winners of’s 2007 Scariest Home Haunted House contest, flown to New York City, and presented with a $50,000.00 check live on NBC’s Today Show."

I've linked to some YouTube videos here at Mark Harvey World for you to check out the place and if you're anywhere near Mountain View on Halloween you really owe it to yourself to check his place out. Brent is a genius and a master at his craft as well as a really good guy. Click here for more information.

Check it out!

I recorded the voice of the Reaper guy as well as some other tracks for Brent.

DC Props Promo from 2006

DC Cemetery Episode on's Route 666

DC Cemetery on HGTV

Haunted House - Americas Scariest - DC Cemetery

DC Cemetery on NBC's Today Show - Americas Scariest Haunted

Happy Haunting!

Mark Harvey

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Brent's Devious Concoctions

Devious Concoctions and the DC Cemetery
From my buddy Brent's site: The cemetery crew is currently working day and night (as well as our permanent residents are clawing out of their tombs) to bring you yet another fun filled haunted cemetery for the 2008 season. 2008 will be our 18th year of bringing sheer terror to the streets of Mountain View. To celebrate we have once again constructed a new series of fully animated props, scares, and effects, to raise the bar for what hopes to be our best year ever and keep up our status of the "Americas Scariest Home Haunt". Click here for videos of the DC Cemetery on HGTV, NBC's Today Show, and DC is also shooting to open a week earlier and have two (2) child friendly days where younger tikes can experience the haunt with some of the more scary effects turned off, and the lights on (also open during the day). Click on the dates and times for more information on these days. Take a stroll thru the site, and see you all at the 2008 DC Cemetery (click here for dates and times). If you've seen the show and would like to comment on what you thought of it, please take a moment to sign our guest book.
Brent Ross Creator & Designer of the DC Cemetery
Bush Street between Yosemite and Fairmont Street
in Mountain View, California
Brent is a good friend and I highly recommend visiting his place if you're in the Bay Area. His props are Disney quality animatronics and he is a genius!

Mark Harvey

(in awe of Brent's ability)

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