Monday, October 15, 2012

a brief non-Halloween diversion just because


Isn't the internet awesome? I think so...

I was "surfing" a bit ago and found this awesome video "Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?" Written and Directed by Jason Willis. Many might not know, but I am a certified cat person and although I don't really like my cats right now (Travis pictured left) I still consider cats the right choice of pet for me.

This video is awesome. Check it out!
Catnip: Egress to Oblivion? [Classroom Drug Educational Film] from Jason Willis on Vimeo.

Have a great evening,

Mark Harvey

and now a word from our sponsor...


I know, I know...during the month of October (and usually several times throughout the year) I pepper the readers here at Mark Harvey World with information and "click this" "play that" for music I am involved with.  Well, particularly during October THIS (my friends) is WHEN you should be listening to most of the music I make.  I mean, much harm will it cause you to click and listen?

And, if listening isn't your thing - then how about WATCHING these awesome Flash animated videos that Jay made for Rain Station's "DARK RIDE" CD.  Have you seen them yet? Are you watching them at least once per Halloween season? Are you  continuously playing them 24/7 during the month of October? Why not? They pretty much are some of the coolest Halloween videos around.

JackOLantern.ORG Animation from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
Music by Rain Station. Rain Station is J.E.Moores (Hoagie Malone) and Mark Harvey (mopehead).

Really, should, by now, have seen it, heard it, bought it and made it part of your Halloween scene.

Much love,

Mark Harvey
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Thank you for visiting - Mark Harvey