On Sunday (April 5th) Jay and I got together again to work on more tracks for the upcoming Rain Station project. We were both fairly exhausted - I had gone to bed around 3:00 am and Jay said he hadn't slept at all. We got together nonetheless since Jay is heading East for the Summer and we want to complete this recording project before he heads out. Thank goodness he'll be back as we will be gearing up for another recording project for Fall.
I recorded a bass track and a vocal track for "Hold Your Love". I had a really tough time figuring the song out, but eventually (with Jay playing along on his acoustic) I got it. I recorded a vocal track for "Sad Silence" and a guitar and bass track to another tune that does not yet have a name. The final "act" was adding a bass line to "Dread Pirate Roberts".

This project is coming along very nicely - check out the progress
here at RainStation.com. You can download the tunes to see how they're coming along, watch videos and be a part of the recording process.
I'll be back over at Jay's place (if all goes well) on April 19th.

Go have a listen, ya'll!
Mark Harvey
RAINSTATION.COMLabels: jay moores, mark harvey, rain station
The spirit vs. the body. The body says, "Stop! Go to sleep.", while the spirit says, "No! Must make MUSIC!". It's ok to listen to the body, but I'm glad you let your spirit win this time. I know sometimes the spirit has to cut through a dense forest of stress and exhaustion to get to the surface, so I'll pray that your spirits have enough energy to do so from here on out.
I'm having a blast checking out the progression of your album. I'm also excited about the fall project. Fall=Halloween time! Anyways, right now you guys have a good thing going so I'll focus on the present. Your current project is kicking butt, and I'm loving the Crminal Goat downloads, Mark. Rain Station fans across the world are loving it. Thank you!
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