Fancy end of year FREE MP3

Cover art by Jay Moores.
There's a definite sadness to this track and it always makes me feel a little uneasy when I hear it. Yet, I keep playing it...over and over. Like this dis-ease is something that I need. Maybe it is because I am close enough to the subject matter to understand it more fully than most. Maybe it is because this track is from a period of my life that I would consider dark. Each time I hear it I can picture myself in the studio at the Rain Station - 45th and Lawton. Musty smell in our converted garage/studio splatter backdrop bench holding my 4-track...the feeling of being at the edge of the a the fog...
Please take a moment and let me know what you think of this track. Creating music is something that I enjoy doing for myself, but knowing that others are enjoying it fuels me and will keep me going in the coming New Year.
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song. (link disabled)
Labels: fancy fancy, free mp3, jay moores, lo-fi, mark harvey, rain station
Fancy Fancy. You would think by the name that it would be a happy go lucky song. Something you can dance to. Nope, you thought wrong. :)
Very beautiful track. I can definitely feel the somberness. Jay's voice is so haunting. I like all of your stuff, but I think your darker tracks are some of your best material. Artists do such a good job of making feelings tangible. It's like you convert a feeling that we all can relate to into something we can actually hear, see or touch. So I may not know the exact circumstance you are going through, but I know the exact feeling you are going through. Am I making any sense?
Well, anyway what an awesome track to close out the year. You have supplied us with so many free tracks this year that my head almost exploded from too much awesomeness being put into it. Thank you, Mark. Happy New Year to you and to my fellow lurkers.
The mullet looks good.
Thank you for the thank you Jason. Your comments make sense to me. As a person who is almost always listening to music I find myself indentifying with the feelings of the artist. Look for more tracks next year - some old and hopefully some new. Thanks for commenting and for those lurkers who've avoided being known, drop a line...join the party! Happy New Year Jason and to all those who're out there...
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