An attempt at a FREE MP3 daily - Closing out October

I hope those who've been lurking around Mark Harvey's World have been enjoying the free music I've been doling out. I've not received a lot of comments, but I have been seeing a lot of visitors. I guess downloading MP3s is a lot like Trick-Or-Treating in that folks come to your door in disguise and accept treats with only a mere phrase - "Trick or Treat".
Leaving a comment is much like saying "Trick or Treat" so please take a moment and let me know what you think. The difference between the tracks I am posting (and what other blogs are posting) is that the music here is my music so it is personal in nature.
Also, downloading tracks from here is not copyright infringement since I am the copyright holder so you can download guilt free.
OK...that horse has been beaten.
Enjoy the music and the blog...I plan on keeping the free MP3s coming throughout the year. As I said in a previous blog if only one of my tracks makes it onto your iPod or onto a mix CD you circulate around I'm a happy man.
Mark Harvey
Labels:, free mp3, halloween, halloween music, mark harvey
Thank you man.
I also found a free mp3 site list at
Thanks for the thank you anonymous lurker!
Happy Haunting,
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