The Family Plot...a free MP3 download

A lady I work with stopped me and said she's really been enjoying the music (been listening to Halloween Radio both at work and at home) and she told me her favorite track was The Family Plot off of my Fleshrot: Songs of the Dead CD (also called Caverns on my Pumpkinland II CD).
So here's another chance at shameless self promotion - I have a review of Fleshrot below and one for Pumpkinland II...which by the way I am mastering on Monday (the 20th of October) along with Pumpkinland III and then off to the manufacturers to replicate a bunch of them for sale - new artwork - better sound - all good.
So how about a FREE MP3 download of The Family Plot/Caverns taken from my Fleshrot/Pumpkinland II HauntScape? Click here to download the track (link disabled), but please read on!
Fleshrot review
Any serious zombie fan or comic collector will now have a copy of the Fleshrot: Tales From The Dead graphic novel. The Fleshrot team don't just stop there, they like to take it up a notch by having a soundtrack as a companion piece to the comic.

So now you know a bit more here are my notes on each track.
1) FLESHROT ANTHEM: The opening track starts of with dark instrumental and the sound of zombies, then explodes into a brilliant thrash metal experience clocking in at about just over 9 minutes!. Pure audio adrenaline.
2) THE FAMILY PLOT: The first of the ambient tracks on the album. (Originally titled "Caverns" from Mark's Pumpkinland 2 CD) Now sharing the same name as one of the darker tales in the book, this is the musical equivalent of that bad dream where you are trapped in a dark nasty place, trying to find a way out. Looking behind you the whole time.
3) THE DEAD HAVE RISEN: A short distorted guitar track with a drum n bass like feel to it. Playing over an eerie instrumental. Cool.
4) ETERNAL TORMENT: Inspired by the comic "Whatever" Written and Illustrated by Youngwoo Cho. With no actual lyrics, the tortured vocals are the zombie version of those chants wise men make when performing rituals. Set to a melancholy soundtrack.
5) DRINK TO THE DEAD: Plucking strings and rolling drums, makes for easier listening with this rock-lite celebration of the dead.
6) ZOMBIES: Exactly what it says on the tin. A dread filled musical score with an army of moaning flesh eaters. This is what the rise of the zombies would sound like.
7) INSATIABLE HUNGER: Inspired by the comic "The Collection" Written and Illustrated by John Pearson. A full on head banger with attitude and solid vocals from Nova Brown.
8) NIGHTMARE: Turn off your lights and listen to this at high volume, and enter goose bump city. (Song taken from Pumpkinland III)
9) DAY OF THE DEAD: A guitar fest with a deep bass line and gritty vocals.
10) RESTLESS SEASON: A twisted tune with spooky xylophone to boot!.
11) LAST STAND: Imagine you and a few friends are the last humans facing off an army of zombies, everything is in slow motion as you look around and it seems hopeless...Then BAM! you whip out the guns and start kicking ass big time. This song is the music version of that scenario. Awesome.
12) ZOMBIE YARD: This ambience is the sound you hear while hiding from Zombies, as they take over the earth.
13) MISTY GRAVES: If you have read the graphic novel you will know who Misty Graves is. For those who don't, she is Fleshrot's version of the Crypt keeper. The major difference being, she is a hot Goth chick and not some wise cracking bag of bones.This fast upbeat rock song is a tribute to her.
Mark Harvey and Co. have created a superb CD. Right up there with many horror sound tracks,and actually better than most of them.So if you are into rock and cool ambient tracks this will be right up your street. Nice one.

Enjoy the FREE track and drop me a comment. Remember, all of my CDs are available for purchase at
Be sure and support Halloween Radio by purchasing CDs from us!
Mark Harvey
Click here if you can't figure out where you're supposed to click to download the song.
(link disabled)
Labels:, fleshrot, free mp3, halloween, halloween music, hauntscapes, mark harvey, nobody records, pumpkinland, pumpkinland studios
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