Oh the HOLIDAY goodness - TV Specials

I can remember when I was a kid waiting for the Sunday paper so I could see the TV listings for the coming week. During October (as well as every holiday including knowing when the Wizard of Oz and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was going to be on) I would eagerly await those nights when the Halloween specials would be on. No DVRs, DVDs or VCRs kids, we'd have to wait and actually watch the show when it was on. My favorite of the season was "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." I now own it on DVD and my son has made a habit of watching it over and over again and not only during October (I watched about three times a week or so ago with him). I may watch it again...and soon...
Halloween would be lacking something without the annual pumpkin patch vigil that Linus embarks on. Some of the best moments are Sally’s plea for restitution after wasting her first night of “tricks or treats" and Charlie Brown wearing his hole filled ghost costume while carrying a candy less bag - "I got a rock". This cartoon is just plain classic!
Linus cast as the downtrodden gives Charlie Brown a bit of a break. Linus spending all night waiting for the Great Pumpkin in the most sincere pumpkin patch is heartwarming. I often talk to my kids about the Great Pumpkin as I DO believe he exists. One year I grew 40 pumpkins of my own and sat in the pumpkin patch all night waiting for the Great Pumpkin to arrive. I will not admit or deny that he came that night...it is my secret.

This year I did not plant pumpkins nor do I intend on spending Halloween night waiting for him to arrive. Instead I create Pumpkinland - my home haunt in homage to him, the Great one.
And he is welcome anytime...
Mark Harvey
a Great Pumpkin Fan
Labels: halloween, halloween for kids, mark harvey, pumpkins
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